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8 Construction Safety Meeting Topics to Choose From
Short, Focused, & Meaningful Safety Inspections Strengthen Safety Programs!

Short, Focused, & Meaningful Safety Inspections Strengthen Safety Programs!

The goal of every safety management system should always be continuous improvement. We have all been doing site, quality control and equipment inspections for ages. Sometimes our inspection program achieves the desired goal. Sometimes it feels like we are standing still…. Incidents keep reoccurring  and repairs are not completed. So how do we ensure that our inspection hit the mark? How can we be sure that our inspections are a strong link in our Safety Program?

Safety Tips: Who Is Responsible For Safety In The Workplace?

Safety Tips: Who Is Responsible For Safety In The Workplace?

Change the way that your workers see the consequences of not working safely!

There is a common misconception that the safety person is going to keep people safe at the workplace. Not so! Managers and direct supervisors are ultimately responsible for their workers’ safety. 

How do we move supervisors and their workers away from this flawed thinking? 

Safety Moment, Why Safety Professionals Need To Start Celebrating Wins!

Safety Moment, Why Safety Professionals Need To Start Celebrating Wins!

Safety programs require Safety Professionals to investigate incidents, review findings with their teams, and discuss how and what they need to improve to stop the events from happening again. You are also required to audit other people's work, and determine what has been done well and what needs to be corrected. All while ensuring compliance with OSHA and OH&S requirements.  Do you spend most of your time discussing what has gone wrong?

What Are The OSHA Requirements For Ladders & Stairways?
Creating Safety Key Performance Indicators That Build a Safe Workplace

Creating Safety Key Performance Indicators That Build a Safe Workplace

KPIs are the ROCKET FUEL for building a safe workplace!

Have you ever been tasked with building Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for a safety program?

Can there be too much Safety Presence on a Worksite?

Can there be too much Safety Presence on a Worksite?

The other day we saw this question asked by a Safety Professional. Can there be too much safety presence on a worksite? We wondered how does this presence work for or against companies' goals to build Safety Culture and in turn, have a low-maintenance Safety Program?

What Skills Do You Need To Become A World-Class Safety Professional?

What Skills Do You Need To Become A World-Class Safety Professional?

Safety Professionals face stigma for the jobs and roles they have the responsibility to perform on and off the worksite. One way to combat this is to show up and gain trust by demonstrating the hard and soft skills of a best-in-class safety leader.