Take Your Field Level Hazard Assessment Digital!

Take Your Field Level Hazard Assessment Digital!

The life cycle of a Field Level Hazard Assessment (FLHA) can be quite complex. It starts with the worker in the field. After they have attended their morning safety meeting or toolbox talk, the workers head into the work area with the trusted FLHA forms in their hand.


What Is A Field Level Hazard Assessment? (FLHA meaning)

A field-level hazard assessment or flha form is used by workers to identify and control hazards in designated work areas. It empowers workers to minimize health and safety risks at the start through the “stop and think” process. Field level hazard assessments help with developing habits of task-hazard-control association and help prevent workplace incidents.


What Is The Lifecycle Of An FLHA form?

Workers begin the day by filling out their tasks and move on to the hazards of each task. If the worker understands the system, they will risk rank the hazards and document them before completing the controls needed to mitigate the hazards and performing the final risk ranking before starting work.

Throughout the day, the worker will update the field level hazard assessment form to reflect the changes to the work area, the work they are performing and the hazards associated with the work they are performing. They may need to show other workers and have them sign on as the work they are performing may affect those around them.

If the safety person on the site runs into them, they will review the field level hazard assessment, possibly make some suggestions and mentor the worker on the flha form and hazard recognition in the field. At the end of the day, the worker should drop off the flha form to be reviewed and filed away with all the other safety documentation. The administrator may perform some trending from the flha form but there is very little else for it to do except wait patiently for the next company audit or to head to the dump when the time is up.

This was the life of the flha meaning until now.


How Does Safety Management Software Change The Lifecycle Of An FLHA?

With Safety Evolution's safety software, the real-time access to your workers field level hazard assessment  changes the way this document is used starting with the worker in the field, moving through the company to the owner or president of the company!

With real-time access to all your worker's digital FLHA forms, this advanced knowledge gives supervisors the power to see trends happening and focus on the causal factors in the workforce before the events happen. The hazards, risks and controls completed on the worker's flha form give the supervisors real-time information on the hazards the worker is seeing in the field.

In less than a minute, safety professionals can see the areas with the highest risk and focus their energies on those sectors. Management can see the same information in real-time to better understand the workforce and gain insight into day-to-day activities.

Gone are the days when all information stops or flows through the field safety personnel. Allow us to show you how a free flow of information and analytics can drastically change the way you manage your safety management system.


Why Take Your Field Level Hazard Assessment Digital?

By taking your FLHA form digital, you will advance FLHAs to where they have never been before. 

  • Easy to use
  • Interactive user-interface
  • Immediate feedback from team members
  • Attach photos
  • Quick access to your cloud-based storage from anywhere
  • Real-time submission of reports that give analytics
  • Best of all, no more filing paperwork!

Want To See How Safety Evolution Can Help Digitize Your FLHA Form?

Check out our Video Series, where we show you exactly how our safety management software can easily digitize your field level hazard assessment form. Allowing you to see what is happening in the field remotely with your workforce immediately, instead of a flha coming across your desk days later.

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